Ellen Bassett on Design Innovation, Urban Planning, and Global Perspectives
Thoughtful and creative design can change the world, from the products we use every day to innovative and climate-resilient buildings, to entire cities that prioritize the health and vitality of the people who live in them. Our guest today is Dr. Ellen Bassett, the John Portman Dean of the College of Design at Georgia Tech, where such innovation is taking place on a daily basis. Ellen’s background lies in urban planning with areas of expertise in land use planning and law, sustainability, health and the built environment, and international development particularly in the Global South.
In this interview, Monica and Jennifer catch up with Ellen about where her interest in urban planning began, the importance of using biophilic design across disciplines, and the impactful years she spent abroad working in Kenya.
Show Notes
- About Ellen Bassett
- Ellen Bassett Research
- Georgia Tech College of Design
- Conversations with Cabrera: Ellen Bassett (YouTube)
- Solar Decathlon
- SimTrigate Design Lab, School of Architecture, Georgia Tech
- Front Lawns, Biodiversity, and Bylaws with Nina Marie Lister (Biophilic Solutions)
- Atlanta Beltline
Key Words: Georgia Tech, Design, College of Design, Urban Planning, Land Use, Land Planning, Land Law, Kenya, Africa, Architecture, Built Environment, Urban Sprawl, Atlanta, Nature, Nature Based Solutions, Climate Change, Climate Resilience, Biophilia, Biophilic Design