Calling Business Leaders to Action with David S. Eady
It’s easy to think that business interests are diametrically opposed to environmental progress - and in many cases, you wouldn’t be wrong. However, meaningful evidence suggests that many businesses would actually improve their bottom line if they adopted more sustainable practices. Enter today’s guest, David S. Eady, the Director of Industry Engagement at Georgia Tech, a co-appointment from the Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business and the university’s Scheller School of Business. In this role, David establishes relationships with local business leaders in order to help them achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050, a target set by Drawdown Georgia. In his (limited) spare time, David also serves as the mayor of Oxford, Georgia, where his lifelong career in environmentalism has inspired a number of important sustainability initiatives.
In this interview, Monica catches up with David about the power of collective action and partnership, measuring impact over time, and meeting business leaders where they are.
Show Notes
- About David Eady
- Drawdown Georgia Business Compact
- Drawdown Georgia
- Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business
- Oxford GA Official City Website
- Biophilic Solutions | Shifting to a Green Economy with Edward B. Barbier
Key Words: Climate Change, Climate Action, Environmental Issues, Corporate Responsibility, Georgia Tech, GA Tech, David S. Eady, Drawdown, Drawdown GA, Ray C. Anderson, Carbon, Carbon Emissions, Biophilia, Biophilic Design